

What's next 

Outlook 2025

Once again this year, we aim to fill the CNSR infrastructure with life and expand the range of services for our users. With this in mind, the following projects are planned:

  • Setting up a sleep laboratory | Equipment: 64-channel actiCHamp EEG system, BIOPAC peripheral physiology and stimulation system.
  • Setting up an online portal for the assessment of submitted project outlines by the CNSR Advisory Board
  • Setting up a CNSR Wiki with method-oriented content
  • Extension of the CNSR Python Toolbox for the analysis of psychophysiological data
  • Organization of an EEG workshop | Topics: Event-related potentials, time-frequency analyses and source localization.
  • Organization of an fNIRS workshop | Topics: Brain activity and connectivity analyses.
  • Participation in the “Doors open with the mouse” event of WDR.


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Merry Christmas and a successful 2025 


The CNSR team wishes all past, present and future users of the Core Facility a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a successful 2025.

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Open house with the mouse at the CNSR 


As part of the WDR's “Open house with the mouse” campaign, the CNSR welcomed a total of 28 children and their parents. The aim was to give the children a fascinating insight into neurophysiological research. The question asked was “What ways do we have to find out about our brain?”. The three-hour program included a variety of stations that the children went through in small groups. There was the opportunity to try out various technical devices for themselves and get to know them better through games. For example, the children were able to use VR goggles to move through a virtual parkour at great heights or control a mouse helicopter in a mini-game using eye movements or neurofeedback. Finally, a small Oscar in the form of a mouse was awarded for the best acting performance on the Facereader.

Many thanks to all the children and parents for coming!

Das Maus-Team

Open house team

From left to right – back row: Antonia Schlieder (IWR), Christian Große (CNSR/Uni Leipzig), Tamara Münzenmaier (CNSR/LMU München), Frédérick Deschênes (CNSR), Soléne Gerwann (ISSW), Helena Schubert (Bunsen-Gymnasium).
Front row: Torsten Wüstenberg (CNSR), Anna Jakobs (CNSR) & Elisa König (CNSR)
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CNSR receives further funding 

The CNSR has received a grant of € 136,530 from the FoF 4 Research Council. We will use these funds to expand our actiCHAMP EEG system from 64 to 128 channels and to procure the peripheral physiology extension module NIRxWINGS for the fNIRS systems at the CNSR.

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CNSR Python-Toolbox Release 

Starting today, we are pleased to offer all users of the CNSR a Python-based toolbox for the analysis of the psycho-physiological data we collect. The cnsr-package includes a set of Jupyter notebook templates created by Dr. Daniel Holt (AE General Psychology) and Dr. Torsten Wüstenberg (CNSR) that contain basic functions for quality control, artifact cleaning, and feature extraction in EEG, fNIRS, EDA, EMG, and ECG data. The cnsr-package is available through Conda-Forge and PyPi. In this context, we would like to especially thank Dr. Dominic Kempf from the Scientific Software Center (SSC) at Heidelberg Universtity, who played a major role in the implementation of the CNSR toolbox. Information about download and installation can be found here.

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